Singapore Cancer Society - TalkMed Relay For Life 2023
🏃♀️ Run with like minded peers
😍 Participate in a meaningful event
🧧 Raise funds and bear witness
🦸♀️ Strive as a team to complete 100 km in 12 hours
🌙 (overnight from 4th-5th March)
Are you game to run and do good?
Fundraise and raise awareness for the cancer community?
Celebrate, Remember and Fight Back with these warriors?
4-5 March 2023
National Stadium, Singapore
6pm - 9am
100KM Challenge
I want to be part of
What should I do?
Three things you need to do. (7 minutes)
1. Provide info for Team Coordination Internally
2. Sign up on the Official Website
(Physical 100km Challenge TEAM)
3. Set Up Team Details
You will be able to set up your team details
after registration on the confirmation slip in your email.
To be part of X-RUNNERS
COPY and PASTE to input the EXACT TEAM NAME:
Who are the anchors?
Anchored by Song
Anchored by GK
Refer to Screenshot: Team Registration after confirmation slip

The info presented here is for the purpose providing a quick glance of what the event is about
We are not the event organizer and do not represent them in any form
Please refer to the official channel for the most up to date information.
How does the relay work
We work as a team. Pass baton. Clock 100km.
From the event website
Team Challengers:
100KM Team will receive a baton to track the distance conquered. Throughout the challenge, at least one team member must be on the relay track with the baton.
There is no restriction on the number of members in a team. Only qualified participants (fundraised minimum $50 per person) will receive the 100KM Finisher tee after the event.
A team of 20 people on average can complete 100 km in 11 hours
There were teams that did 110 km or more in the past editions
Do I have to be there for the entire 12 hours duration of the event?
No. We will have shifts. Of about 4 hours each from 7pm onwards.
I am a slow runner. Is this a competitive event?
This is a non-competitive event. We compete with only our motivation to do good.
Fast or slow is besides the point.
Being on the start line and enjoying the camaraderie as the team completes the 100km is our only goal.
How much distance will I cover?
We aspire everyone to do 5km each. Let us know if you can’t. It is okay to walk.
We will have other teammates supporting you throughout.
How much is registration for the event?
$50 fundraise. Only qualified participants (fundraised minimum $50 per person) will receive the 100KM Finisher tee after the event.
Can I ask my friend/Can I sponsor a friend
Yes you can do that.
Does it mean I register on X-RUNNERS website means I am part of the team and event?
No. We are collecting basic information here [link] for administrative purposes of coordinating the teams.
You will still be required to register on your own here [link]
Are you the organiser of Relay for life
No. We are participants.
X-RUNNERS is calling out to all to join the X-RUNNERS team at the event.
Is there minimal to fundraise? Can I fundraise more?
Only qualified participants (fundraised minimum $50 per person) will receive the 100KM Finisher tee after the event. You can refer to the event confirmation slip for more details if you like to fundraise more donations.
Can I join more than one team?
Eg run for X-RUNNERS and abcdefg runners
Yes you can. You need to do two individual registrations
I am not a X-RUNNER, can I still join your team?
Yes, everyone is welcome to join. We want to enjoy this journey together with everyone from all walks of life.
What is the official website and source of information